Дорогі Отці-Собрати,
Шановні Брати й Сестри у Христі,
Річне Єпархіяльне Свято відбудеться у неділю, 11-го черня ц.р. Додатково до недільної Літургії й програми, єпархія цього року влаштовує родинний “рітріт” – програма духовного, культурного, й дружнього характеру, який відбудеться у пятницю, 9-го, і суботу, 10-го, у “Золотій Брамі”, оселя Собору Св. Володимира у Гамільтоні, яке знаходиться у Ґримзбі.
Просимо Вас оголосити про Свята і Рітріт у Вашій парафії, заохочуючи всіх вірних – зокрема дітей і молодь з батьками, до участі. Афіша з точною інформацією в прикріленні – просимо видрукувати й роздавати своїм вірним. Підкреслюємо, що учасники мусять голоситися до 2-го червня щоби знали заздалегідь скільки будуть учасників, і що вхід вільний, але все ж таки примаємо добровільні пожертви.
Дякуємо щиро за Вашу підтримку та співпрацію. До милої зустрічі!
Воістину Христос Воскрес!
о. Богдан Гладьо, 1-ий заступник,
Ради Східньої Єпархії
Christ is Risen!
Reverend and Dear Fathers,
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our annual Eastern Eparchy Celebration will be held on June 11th at the “Kyiv” Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Oakville. In addition to Sunday’s Liturgy and program, we have organized a 2 day (Friday, the 9th and Saturday, the 10th) pre-celebration “Retreat”, consisting of spiritual, cultural, and social events, at the “Golden Gate” park of St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Hamilton, which is located in Grimsby just off of the Casablanca Rd. exit from the QEW.
We respecfully ask that you publicize this event in your parishes, and encourage all our faithful – especially our children, youth, and their parents – to take part. A poster with the relevant information is attached to this e-mail, please copy it off and circulate it amount your faithful. In closing, we wish to emphasize that participants do need to register by June 2nd so that we’re properly prepared with food, materials, etc., and that there is not cost, although free will donations will be gratefully received.
We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation, and look forward to seeing you in Grimsby and/or Oakville!
Sessions Include:
• Lenten Kitchen: Scary or Healthy?
• Building the Icon Corner: Finding your family saints and choosing the right “home” incense.
• Sacred Music: Final rehearsal for the Sunday of Orthodoxy
FREE book included
Join us for a day of worship, learning and fellowship. All Youth (7 years+) welcome as well as parents and grandparents.
Donations welcome.
Register by February 28th
Pre-register to receive your free book.
By e-mail: youth@uocceast.ca
Natalka: 647.261.3012
Fr. Bohdan Hladio: 905.433.5577
St. Demetrius’ Sobor
3338 Lakeshore Blvd. W.
Toronto, ON
Knowing the commandments of the Lord, let this be our way of life : let us feed the hungry, let us give the thirsty drink, let us clothe the naked, let us welcome strangers, let us visit those in prison and the sick, then the Judge of all the earth will say even to us: Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you.
Zakusky Station (savoury filled buns & open face canapes)
Kobassa and Kapusta Station
Coffee and Dessert Station
Raffle Tickets
Cash Prizes
Hockey Tickets
Christmas Basket
Book of 12 Tickets: $10
Presented by: the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, Sophia Rusova Branch
St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church
3338 Lakeshore Blvd. W. Etobicoke.
Friday, November 11th and Saturday, November 12th, 2016
St. Demetrius Sobor in Etobicoke, ON
Friday, November 11th
9:30 am – DIVINE LITURGY and Panakhyda for fallen soldiers, the Canadian and Ukrainian defenders of freedom.
11:15 a.m. – Registration of Delegates and Guests
11:30 AM – Lunch
12:30 PM – Session I
Opening of Conference:
Prayer “O Heavenly King” and “Vichnaya Pam’yat” for the departed clergy and faithful of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC
1. Greeting & Address: His Grace, Right Rev. Bishop ANDRIY
2. Election of the Presidium:
a) Chairperson:b) Secretary:
Elected during the Clergy Conference:
a) Chairman:b) Secretary:
3. Acceptance of Eastern Eparchy Conference Agenda
4. Election of Committees:
a) Nominating Committee for 2017:
1) O. Metulynsky
Elected during the Clergy Conference:
2) Fr. P. Anhel3)
b) Resolutions Committee:
Elected during the Clergy Conference:
5. Address of His Еminence, Most Rev. Metropolitan YURIJ
6. a) Information from the Chancellor – Very Rev. Taras Udodb) Report from St. Andrew’s College – Rt. Rev. Roman Bozyk
2:15 PM – 15 minute nutrition break
2:30 PM – Session II
7. a) Questions to the Metropolitan
b) Questions to the Chancellor
c) Questions to the Principal of St. Andrew’s College
8. Eparchial Activity Reports:
a) Orphanage Project – Fr. Bohdan Hladio
b) Youth Activities – Sr. Natalka Kowalenko
c) St. Sophia Camp – Fr. Volodymyr Kouchnir
d) Web-site – Br. Franko Diakowsky
e) Church Candles – Fr. Bohdan Hladio
(15 minute break at approximately 4:30 PM)
9. Parish Reports and Discussion
6:00 p.m. – Supper
7:00 PM – Session III
10. Presentation of Shevchenko Medal to Maestro Nestor Olynyk
11. Special Presentation by Fr. Robert Holet, Director of the Office of Stewardship for the Ukrainian Orthoox Church of the USA: “Orthodox Stewardship”
Saturday, November 12th
8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM Session IV
12. Acceptance of the minutes from the previous Eparchy Conference (Nov.14 – 15, 2014)
a) Business arising from the minutes of the previous conference
13. Reports from the Eparchy Council:
a) Statistical – Fr. Bohdan Hladio
b) Financial report – Br. Michael Kalimin
c) Maintenance – Br. Stefan Krawec
d) Eparchial Celebration – Fr. Volodymyr Makarenko / Natalka Kowalenko
– Questions and acceptance of reports
14. Presentation by Christina Kowalenko regarding Parish Youth Organizing
10:15 A.M. 10 minute break
15. Presentation about newly published Divine Liturgy Pew Book
16. Special Presentation by Fr. Robert Holet, Director of the Office of Stewardship for the Ukrainian Orthoox Church of the USA, Part 2: “The Stewardship Cycle”
12:00 Noon – Lunch
1:00 PM Session V
17. Audit Committee Report
18. Approval of Budget for 2016/2017
19. Future events:
a) Eparchial Celebration 2017 – Sr. Natalka Kowalenko
b) Upcoming Youth Retreats – Sr. Natalka Kowalenko
c) UOCC Centennial Celebrations – Sr. Lesia Skyba
d) Election of Planning Committee for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the UOCC in the Eastern Eparchy
20. Resolutions Committee Report – presentation and acceptance
21. Closing remarks: His Grace, Right Rev. Bishop ANDRIY
In the Parish Hall of St. Demetrius’ Sobor, Toronto.
Screening of a film about the First Ukrainians in Canada.
“The Embroidery of Life”
Featuring: lyric, patriotic and spiritual songs performed by Very Rev. Fr. Volodymyr Kushnir, Dean of the the Cathedral Sobor of St. Sophia; and Andriy Svirsa — from Montreal; with the St. Demetrius Bandurist Ensemble and Quartet.
Tickets (available at the door):
Adults: $15 Students: $10 Children: Free
A portion of the proceeds will go to the Eastern Eparchy’s Camp St. Sophie, near Montreal.
We invite everyone to take part in celebrating the 125th Anniversary!