Livestream Liturgy: Sunday, April 5, 2020. St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

Reverend Fathers, dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

While the doors to our churches remain closed to worshipers in the ongoing effort to contain the pandemic, join us online as we celebrate the Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast (Commemoration of St. Mary of Egypt) at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto — in a humble, but we hope worthy manner.

The Divine Liturgy begins at 10AM; preceded by the Offices of the Third and Sixth Hours at 9:30AM.

Resurrectional Tone of the week — Tone 1.

Tropar to our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt, Tone 8.

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Mother, for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. Therefore, holy Mother Mary, your spirit rejoices with the angels.

Kondak of the Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast.

Having suffered the temptations of spiritual winter, let us bring renewed souls and the fruit of good deeds, uplifted in spirit. Behold the Bridegroom Christ is drawing near and giving the crowns of sainthood. Let us be attentive that He might find us worthy to accept the eternal crowns.

Prokeimen of our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt, Tone 4 (Ps 67:36).

God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

Epistle Reading: Hebrews, 9:11-14; Galatians 3:23-29.

Alleluia Verse of our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt, Tone 4:

With patience have I waited patiently for the Lord, and He was attentive to me and listened to my supplication.

Holy Gospel Reading: Mark, 10:32-45; Luke 7:36-50.

Communion Verses: (Ps 148:1 | 111:6,7)

Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest.

The righteous man shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not fear evil tidings.

— (Добрий Пастир молитовник • Good Shepherd prayer book, Winnipeg, 2013).

Livestream Liturgy: Sunday, April 5, 2020. St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto

Reverend Fathers, dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

While the doors to our churches remain closed to worshipers in the ongoing effort to contain the pandemic, join us online as we celebrate the Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast (Commemoration of St. Mary of Egypt) at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto — in a humble, but we hope worthy manner.

The Divine Liturgy begins at 10AM; preceded by the Offices of the Third and Sixth Hours at 9:30AM.

Resurrectional Tone of the week — Tone 1.

Tropar to our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt, Tone 8.

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Mother, for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. Therefore, holy Mother Mary, your spirit rejoices with the angels.

Kondak of the Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast.

Having suffered the temptations of spiritual winter, let us bring renewed souls and the fruit of good deeds, uplifted in spirit. Behold the Bridegroom Christ is drawing near and giving the crowns of sainthood. Let us be attentive that He might find us worthy to accept the eternal crowns.

Prokeimen of our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt, Tone 4 (Ps 67:36).

God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

Epistle Reading: Hebrews, 9:11-14; Galatians 3:23-29.

Alleluia Verse of our Venerable Mother, Mary of Egypt, Tone 4:

With patience have I waited patiently for the Lord, and He was attentive to me and listened to my supplication.

Holy Gospel Reading: Mark, 10:32-45; Luke 7:36-50.

Communion Verses: (Ps 148:1 | 111:6,7)

Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest.

The righteous man shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not fear evil tidings.

— (Добрий Пастир молитовник • Good Shepherd prayer book, Winnipeg, 2013).

Молитва під час пошесті згубної (епідемії)*

O Lord, our God, Who is rich in compassion and mercy; Who directs our life by Your wise Providence. Hear our prayer, accept the repentance of our sins, bring an end to the ruinous pestilence that befalls us as You have, in times before, eradicated ruinous pestilence from among your people.

Господи, Боже наш, багатий милосердям і милістю, що Своїм мудрим Провидінням керуєш нашим життям, вислухай нашу молитву, прийми покаяння за гріхи наші, припини пошесть згубну, яка спіткала нас, як Ти і раніше припиняв згубні пошесті серед людей.

Милосердний Спасителю, захисти здоров’я тих, хто на Тебе уповає. Лікарю душ і тіл наших, дай одужання тим, що хворіють, і підведи їх з ложа недуги та страждань. Благослови, Господи, укріпи і захисти Своєю благодаттю усіх тих, хто з благодійністю і жертовністю піклується про хворих вдома чи в лікарнях. Визволи людей в нашому місті (селі, монастирі), в нашій країні і по всьому світу від пошесті згубної, від хвороб і страждань та навчи нас цінувати життя і здоров’я як Твої дари. Дай нам, Боже, Твій мир і наповни наші серця непохитною вірою в Твій захист, надією на Твою підтримку і любов’ю до Тебе і наших ближніх.Твоє бо є щоб милувати і спасати нас, Боже наш, і Тобі славу возсилаємо, Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духу, нині і повсякчас і навіки віків. Амінь.

*Затверджено Священним Синодом Православної Церкви України. Переклад англійською мовою Української Православної Церкви в Канадi (з благословення Високопреосвященнiшого Митрополита Юрія).

Prayer in the Time of Ruinous Pestilence (Epidemic)*

O Lord, our God, Who is rich in compassion and mercy; Who directs our life by Your wise Providence. Hear our prayer, accept the repentance of our sins, bring an end to the ruinous pestilence that befalls us as You have, in times before, eradicated ruinous pestilence from among your people.

O Compassionate Saviour! Preserve the health of those who hope in You. O Physician of our souls and bodies, grant recovery to those who are ill and raise them up from their beds of malady and suffering. O Lord, bless, strengthen and protect, by Your grace, all those engaged, of their charity and generosity, in caring for the sick: both in hospitals and in their homes. Deliver the people of our city (village, monastery), our country, and throughout the world from ruinous pestilence, from illnesses and sufferings, and teach us to value life and good health – as gifts from You. Grant us, O God, Your peace. Fill our hearts with unwavering faith in Your protection, with hope in Your succour, with love for You and for our neighbours.

For Yours it is to have mercy upon us and to save us, O our God, and unto You we send up glory: to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

*Approved by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Translation into English by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij)

Пряму трансляцію Служби Божої з Катедри Святої Софії, м. Монреаль

Слава Ісусу Христу!

Дорогі брати і сестри!

В Старому Завіті в книзі Пророка Йона розповідається про те, як Пророк намагався боротись проти Господнього бажання помилувати  його ж ворогів, грішних ніневитян, закликаючи їх до покаяння. Втікаючи від Бога, Йона потрапляє у великі випробовування. Його проковтнула велика риба. Аж тоді він покаявся і вирішив послухатися Господеві і піти до ніневитян, щоб навернути їх до покаяння. Він стає інструментом Божого милосердя і через нього ніневитяни каються й спасаються від загибелі. Його неслухняність, через його покаяння, Бог обертає на милість до мешканців міста Ніневії.

Бачу паралель і з нашою ситуацією коли пандемія коронавірусу загрожує людському життю на цій планеті. Чи не нею Господь закликає і нас до покаяння, до навернення до Нього в Молитвах і ділах праведности й милосердя? Цей критичний час дає нам можливість подумати над собою та по справжньому розкрити своє перебування на цій землі та побачити всі наші сторониі сильні і слабкі. Як мені звикати до тих всіх обмежень моєї свободи, де нам приказують сидіти в дома, носити маски, не наближатися близько до інших, пересування транспортом обмежене. Аж тепер ми розуміємо вартість того, чого мали досі. Можливо ми  сп’яніли свободою, і коли нас обмежують в чомусь тоді  приходить паніка,  страх – замість віри, а  можливо навіть відсутність надії на Бога. Неможливо прожити своє повсякденне життя і не зазнати викликів, а Бог допустив це, щоб пробудити людство, яке за Нього забуло.  

Страждання і труднощі є частиною життя для  кожного з нас.  Час Великого Посту  має допомогти нам ближче приблизитися до Бога, як коли небудь. Церква закликає нас збільшувати наші духовні зусилля через молитву. Зараз, коли ми більше проводимо час в дома, в нас є більше часу на духовне роздумування,  читання Святого Письма чи духовної книги,  вільний час потелефонувати до тих, хто самітній та поцікавитися їхнім станом здоров`я.  Адже піст не тільки те, що ми вкладаємо в наші уста, але й те, що  з них виходить . Коли ми маємо тверезий розум та  мир в душі,  тоді всі життєві виклики успішно переборюються.

Ми прислухаємося до рішення наших Єпископів, до нашого уряду, лікарів, які  постановили запобіжні  заходи безпеки, щодо подолання ціє панпідемії.  Ми як громадяни ціє країни маємо слідувати іхнім порадам та берегти своє здоров`я  як і тих  з ким ми спілкуємося. Хоч наші храми цієї неділі будуть зачинені для публичного відвідування,  все ж таки з Благословення Митрополита Юрія та Єпископа Андрія, о. Ігор і я будемо служити Літургію в Катедрі Св. Софії за участю декілька членів хору.  Наші молитви будуть возноситися за наших вірних, за всіх вас та за цілий світ, хто страждає від ціє хвороби і за тих які відійшли вже до Господа. Ми будемо, як ніколи єдині духом, вірою та молитвою.   Ми також будемо транслювати літургію по інтернету, для тих численних, хто  сьогодні вдома і не може прийти до храму. Пряму трансляцію Служби Божої з Катедри Святої Софії можна дивитися через наш офіційний веб-сайт в неділю,  22 березня, 10 ранку, на нашій офіційній сторінці

 Будемо возносити наші молитви до Бога, та вірити в силу Того, який сотворив цей світ та по Своій милості його врятує. Нехай Боже благословення, мир та Його любов буде над усіма вами.

Прот. о. Володимир настоятель

Livestream of the Divine Service from St. Sophie Cathedral, Montreal

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear brothers and sisters!

In the Old Testament, the book of the Prophet Jonah describes how the Prophet sought to fight against the Lord’s desire to pardon his enemies, the sinful Ninevites, by calling them to repentance. As he tried to run away from God Jonah was visited by great trials. He was swallowed by big fish. He then repented, decided to obey the Lord and to go to the Ninevites to convert them to repentance. He becomes the instrument of God’s mercy and, through him, the Ninevites repent and are saved from destruction. God transforms his disobedience, by his repentance, into mercy upon the people of Nineveh.

I see a parallel with our current situation as the coronavirus pandemic threatens human life on this planet. Does not the Lord call us also to repentance, to conversion to Him in prayers and works of righteousness and mercy? This critical time gives us the opportunity to think about ourselves and truly discover the meaning of our presence on this earth and to see clearly our strengths and our weaknesses. How do I get used to all these restrictions on my freedom, when we are ordered to stay at home, to wear masks, to not get close to others, and transportation is restricted. Now we understand the value of what we have taken for granted. We have been intoxicated with freedom, and now, when we are restricted, panic comes! Fear instead of faith, and perhaps even lack of hope in God. It is impossible to live our daily lives without challenges, but God has allowed this as a wake-up call to a humanity that has forgotten Him.

Suffering and hardship are part of life for everyone. This time of Lent should help us move closer to God than ever before. The Church calls us to increase our spiritual efforts through prayer. Now, as we spend more time at home, we have time for spiritual reflection, for reading the Scriptures or spiritual books. We have time to call those who are alone and inquire about their state of health. After all, fasting is not only what we put into our mouths, but also what comes out of them. When we have a sober mind and inner peace all life’s challenges can be successfully overcome.

We heed the decision of our Bishops, our government and the doctors who have taken decreed precautionary measures to overcome this pandemic. We, as citizens of this country, must follow their advice and protect our health as well as those with whom we communicate. Although our temples will be closed for public visitation this Sunday, nonetheless by the blessing of Metropolitan Yuri and Bishop Andrew, Fr. Ihor and I shall serve Divine Liturgy at St. Sophie Cathedral with the participation of several choir members. Prayers shall be offered for our faithful, for all of you and for the whole world, for all who are suffering from this disease and for those who have already gone to be with the Lord. We shall be united as never before in spirit, in faith and in prayer. We shall also be broadcasting this Liturgy on the Internet, for the many who are at home and cannot come to the temple. A live broadcast of the Divine Service from St. Sophie Cathedral can be viewed through our official website on Sunday, March 22, 10:00 a.m. at our official site:

 We shall offer our prayers to God, and believe in the power of Him Who created this world and Who by His grace shall save it. May God’s blessing, peace and love be upon you all.

Archpriest Fr. Volodymyr, Rector



In a communique issued by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, it is stated that in light of decisions already taken by some eparchies of the Ecumenical Throne, “today we universally declare our ecclesiastical resolution and mandate to cease all divine services, events, and rites, with the exception of private prayer in churches that will remain open, until the end of March”.

It is also noted that this restriction will be later reassessed, in accordance with the development of the pandemic caused by the virus.

The statement, issued by the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod following a meeting of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s hierarchs in Constantinople, also stresses that “the Ecumenical Patriarchate is monitoring the situation with an urgent sense of responsibility towards its faithful and all people without exception.”

It also highlights the spirit of self-sacrifice demonstrated by those working in the field of healthcare, and expresses the gratitude of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

“It commends the spirit of self-sacrifice demonstrated by those working in the field of healthcare and expresses its gratitude for their extraordinary and exhaustive efforts to assist those in need, as well as for the danger they knowingly risk by coming in contact with those infected by Covid-19”.

As a further measure, it is announced that “the Patriarchal Offices at the Phanar will remain closed until further notice, while the Ecumenical Patriarch and clergy of the Patriarchal Court will perform the prescribed divine services and pray for the whole world and for its speedy relief from this trial”.

Read the Communiqué of the Ecumenical Patriarchate:

As this Coronavirus crisis continues to spread and intensify on a global scale, the Ecumenical Patriarchate is monitoring the situation with an urgent sense of responsibility towards its faithful and all people without exception, and, following the Communiqué of 11 March 2020, upon deliberation of its Hierarchs in the City, announces the following:

1) The Ecumenical Patriarchate emphatically reiterates its appeal to everyone to limit their outings and travels to what is necessary, remaining in their homes for their own safety and the protection of the general public.

2) It commends the spirit of self-sacrifice demonstrated by those working in the field of healthcare and expresses its gratitude for their extraordinary and exhaustive efforts to assist those in need, as well as for the danger they knowingly risk by coming in contact with those infected by Covid-19.

3) It underlines the need for everyone to follow the decisions and instructions of the responsible health authorities for the sake of the common good.

4) In light of decisions already taken by some eparchies of the Ecumenical Throne, today we universally declare our ecclesiastical resolution and mandate to cease all divine services, events, and rites, with the exception of private prayer in churches that will remain open, until the end of March. This restriction will be later reassessed, in accordance with the development of the pandemic caused by the virus.

5) All Patriarchal and Stavropegial Monasteries will continue to hold regular divine services for their monastic communities, but outside pilgrims and visitors will not be permitted entry.

6) In the same framework, the Patriarchal Offices at the Phanar will remain closed until further notice, while the Ecumenical Patriarch and clergy of the Patriarchal Court will perform the prescribed divine services and pray for the whole world and for its speedy relief from this trial.

From the Chief Secretariat
of the Holy and Sacred Synod

Phanar, 18 March 2020



In a communique issued by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, it is stated that in light of decisions already taken by some eparchies of the Ecumenical Throne, “today we universally declare our ecclesiastical resolution and mandate to cease all divine services, events, and rites, with the exception of private prayer in churches that will remain open, until the end of March”.

It is also noted that this restriction will be later reassessed, in accordance with the development of the pandemic caused by the virus.

The statement, issued by the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod following a meeting of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s hierarchs in Constantinople, also stresses that “the Ecumenical Patriarchate is monitoring the situation with an urgent sense of responsibility towards its faithful and all people without exception.”

It also highlights the spirit of self-sacrifice demonstrated by those working in the field of healthcare, and expresses the gratitude of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

“It commends the spirit of self-sacrifice demonstrated by those working in the field of healthcare and expresses its gratitude for their extraordinary and exhaustive efforts to assist those in need, as well as for the danger they knowingly risk by coming in contact with those infected by Covid-19”.

As a further measure, it is announced that “the Patriarchal Offices at the Phanar will remain closed until further notice, while the Ecumenical Patriarch and clergy of the Patriarchal Court will perform the prescribed divine services and pray for the whole world and for its speedy relief from this trial”.

Read the Communiqué of the Ecumenical Patriarchate:

As this Coronavirus crisis continues to spread and intensify on a global scale, the Ecumenical Patriarchate is monitoring the situation with an urgent sense of responsibility towards its faithful and all people without exception, and, following the Communiqué of 11 March 2020, upon deliberation of its Hierarchs in the City, announces the following:

1) The Ecumenical Patriarchate emphatically reiterates its appeal to everyone to limit their outings and travels to what is necessary, remaining in their homes for their own safety and the protection of the general public.

2) It commends the spirit of self-sacrifice demonstrated by those working in the field of healthcare and expresses its gratitude for their extraordinary and exhaustive efforts to assist those in need, as well as for the danger they knowingly risk by coming in contact with those infected by Covid-19.

3) It underlines the need for everyone to follow the decisions and instructions of the responsible health authorities for the sake of the common good.

4) In light of decisions already taken by some eparchies of the Ecumenical Throne, today we universally declare our ecclesiastical resolution and mandate to cease all divine services, events, and rites, with the exception of private prayer in churches that will remain open, until the end of March. This restriction will be later reassessed, in accordance with the development of the pandemic caused by the virus.

5) All Patriarchal and Stavropegial Monasteries will continue to hold regular divine services for their monastic communities, but outside pilgrims and visitors will not be permitted entry.

6) In the same framework, the Patriarchal Offices at the Phanar will remain closed until further notice, while the Ecumenical Patriarch and clergy of the Patriarchal Court will perform the prescribed divine services and pray for the whole world and for its speedy relief from this trial.

From the Chief Secretariat
of the Holy and Sacred Synod

Phanar, 18 March 2020

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