Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
On Sunday, March 17, 2019 — St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto is honoured to host the reverend Fathers, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the Greater Toronto Area in the annual pan-Orthodox celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, commemorating the victory over iconoclasm and the restoration of the holy icons — affirmed by the Seventh Ecumenical Council at Nicea in 787 A.D.
Vespers begins at 6:00 PM — and will be followed by the veneration of icons and Lenten fellowship in the Church Hall.
The Cathedral is located at 400 Bathurst St. — 2 blocks south of College St., 1 block north of Dundas St. W. There is limited onsite parking (priority will be given to clergy) — so use of TTC and carpooling is encouraged. The 511 Bathurst streetcar (southbound from Bathurst subway station) includes a stop short meters from the church entrance. Overflow parking will be accommodated at the Toronto Western Hospital parking facilities (directly across the street) for a modest fee.
We look forward to welcoming you, worshipping with you and manifesting the love for one another by which all people will know we are Christ’s disciples.
“Let us clap our hands, as the psalm says, offering praise and thanksgiving to God; and with fitting honour let us worship the sacred icons of Christ, of the All-pure Virgin and all the Saints… as we ask that at the prayers of Your immaculate Mother, Christ our God, and of all the Saints, we may be granted Your great mercy.”
Sticheron at “Lord, I have cried”, Tone 2 — Great Vespers, The First Sunday of the Great Fast, known as The Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.