Протоієрей Мирослав Парфенюк
The Very Rev. Myroslaw Parfeniuk
3 глибоким смутком повідомляємо, що 27-го жовтня 2014 p.Б. на 78-му році земного життя спочив у Бозі раб Божий протоієрей Мирослав Парфенюк у м. Гамільтон. Чин Панахиди відслужиться у четвер, 30-го жовтня о год. 7:00 вечoрa в Українському Православному Соборі Святого Володимира, 855 Barton St. East, Гамільтон. Чин Похорону Ієрея починається в п’ятницю, 31-го жовтня о год. 10:00 в Українському Православному Соборі Святого Володимира.
Отець Мирослав народився в селі Ґудів (Goodeve) в Саскачевані в 1936 р.Б. Отець навчався при Українській Православній Духовній Семінарії у Вінніпезі і був рукоположений в сан диякона 28-го жовтня 1984 р.Б. в храмі Всіх Святих м. Вінніпег — а в сан священика 16-го листопада того ж року в храмі Св. Андрея, м. Торонто, Митрополитом Василієм. До квітня 1985-го р. при капелі Колегії Святого Андрея, отець Мирослав починав своє парафіальне пастирське життя при храмі Св. Трійці в с. Шего (Sheho) і в Окрузі Шего-Теодор-Фовм Лейк (Sheho-Theodore-Foam Lake) в Саскачевані (до 1989); рік був настоятелем при храмах Св. Софії (Ватерлу) і Св. Марії (Ватерфорд); а до 1993 р.Б. при Св. Михаїла в м. Едмонтон де завершив свою пильну пастирську працю і пішов у відставку через стан здоров’я.
- Набедреник, 1988 — Митрополитом Василієм
- Cкуфія, 1990 — Митрополитом Василієм
- Камілавка, 1992 — Митрополитом Василієм
- Золотий Хрест, 1994 — Митрополитом Василієм
- Сан Протоієрея, 2001 – Собор архієреїв УПЦК
- Хрест з прикрасами, 2007 — Митрополитом Іоаном
Упокой Боже, Ієрея Свого і осели його в Раю, де хори Святих, Господи, і Праведники сяють, як світила.
Give rest, O God, to Your Priest and establish him in Paradise, where the choirs of the Saints and the Righteous shine like stars, O Lord.
It is with a profound depth of sadness that we prayerfully announce that the servant of God, Very Reverend Myroslaw Parfeniuk of Blessed Memory fell asleep in the Lord on October 27, 2014 in Hamilton, Ontario at the age of 78 years. The Panakhyda Service will be served on Thursday, October 30th at 7:00pm at the Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor of St. Vladimir, 855 Barton St. East, Hamilton. The Order of a Funeral Service for a Priest will begin Friday, October 31st, 10:00am at the Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor of St. Vladimir.
Fr. Myroslaw was born in the village of Goodeve, Saskatchewan, the Year of our Lord, 1936. He studied at the Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in Winnipeg, receiving a Diploma in Theology in 1984. Ordained into the Holy Deaconate by Metropolitan Wasyly in the parish of All Saints in Winnipeg, Manitoba on October 28, 1984 — he was ordained by the Metropolitan into the Holy Priesthood that same year, on November 16th, at the Church of St. Andrew, in Toronto, Ontario. Through April, 1985, Father Myroslaw served as Chaplain at St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg, before beginning his parish pastoral work in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Sheho and in the communities of the Sheho-Theodore-Foam Lake District — where he served until 1989. From August 1989 through July 1990, he served the Eastern Eparchy parishes of St. Sophia (Waterloo) and St. Mary (Waterford), before becoming priest-in-charge of St. Michael’s parish in Edmonton, Alberta. Father Myroslaw retired from service in August, 1993 due to illness.
- Nabedrenyk, 1988 — Metropolitan Wasyly
- Scuffia, 1990 — Metropolitan Wasyly
- Kamilavka, 1992 — Metropolitan Wasyly
- Golden Cross, 1994 — Metropolitan Wasyly
- Archpriest, 2001 – Council of Bishops, UOCC
- Jeweled Cross, 2007 — Metropolitan John
Very Reverend Father Myroslaw (Morley) Parfeniuk (1936-2014).
Surrounded by the love of his family, Morley passed away peacefully on October 27, 2014, at the age of 78, at St. Peter’s Hospital.
He is survived by his loving wife Marion of 57 years. He was the devoted father to five children Laurie Murray (Patrick), David Parfeniuk (Janet), Steven Parfeniuk (Jacqueline), Susan Sisson (Terry) and Sonia Thompson (Kim). Loving Gigi to nine grandchildren, Michael (Erin), Christina (Brandon), Daryl (Sandra), Graham (Justine), Philip (Shannon), Anne-Marie, Sarah, Jennifer, Bradley and four great-grandchildren Andrew, Benjamin, Ethan and Addison. Morley is survived by his brothers Gerry (Angela), Orest (Karen) and sister Wilma (Doug), sister-in-law Marline and many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his brothers Albert, Zenen and sister Barbara, mother Lena and father William.
Morley had a successful career as an ordained Priest in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and previously worked for the Government of Ontario. Special thanks to the staff at St. Peter’s Hospital for their compassionate and loving care.
Family and friends are welcome to TRUSCOTT, BROWN & DWYER FUNERAL CHAPEL, 1309 King Street East (at the Delta, opposite Gage Park), on Thursday, October 30, 2014 from 2-4 p.m.
Panachyda will be held at the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Vladimir’s Church on Thursday evening beginning at 7 p.m. An Order of a Funeral Service for a Priest will be held at the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Vladimir’s Church on Friday, October 31, 2014 at 10 a.m. Interment to follow at St. Volodymyr’s Ukrainian Cemetery in Oakville. In lieu of flowers, donations to St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Church, Taras Shevchenko Home or the MS Society would be appreciated. Online tributes and condolences can be made at www.tbdfuneralchapel.com.
Vichnaya Pamyat.
Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor of St. Vladimir
855 Barton St. East
Hamilton, ON
L8L 3B4