Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the The 24th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence

Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the The 24th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence

24 August, 2015

To the Clergy and Faithful of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church beyond the Borders of Ukraine and all Ukrainians in Ukraine and throughout the world celebrating the great anniversary of Ukrainian Independence, August 24, 2015 —

The Grace of God has brought Ukraine and all her faithful people to this, the twenty-fourth anniversary of its exodus from the evil empire, its declaration of independence and the enjoyment of the fruits of freedom, righteousness and equality.

Today, our ancestral homeland faces another almost incredible challenge to this independence through the invasion of terroristic forces sponsored and supported, as the whole world knows, by the neighbour that simply cannot accept the loss of its illegal and illogical domination a nation, which has been the most profound example of spiritual, cultural and social life for that neighbour for over a millennium.

The Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine prayerfully rejoices on this auspicious and significant anniversary and is joined by our clergy and faithful in conveying heartfelt congratulations to our brethren in Ukraine and to those of Ukrainian ancestry dispersed throughout the world at this day’s celebration of the sacred gifts of freedom, independence and sovereignty.

Ukraine has never backed away from the challenges confronting her throughout history. Even during the most difficult of times, when to speak Ukrainian could bring death as attempts were made to annihilate the very idea of a Ukrainian nation, beneath the surface — within the subconscious reality of the people — their identity was alive and preserved, waiting to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix of old to become the nation she is today. Other nations of the world have all experienced the same challenges during the infancy of their independence and have only benefited from lessons learned — and so shall Ukraine.

In commemorating with gratitude to Almighty God such a great and precious gift as independence and sovereignty, we remain convinced that such gifts are, indeed, from God and are beneficial for the nation and her people if fully embraced and responsibly lived by all who are privileged to enjoy them.

Therefore, we call upon the citizens of Ukraine to be vigilant in the pursuit of freedom and to exercise it with a profound sense of responsibility and without abuse.

We call all to a shared vision of a nation in which all have the opportunity to grow and develop in every aspect of their lives by their own hard work, without corruption and greed, which destroy from the inside out.

Mindful of the immense responsibility, which is placed upon those called to govern, we prayerfully commend to Christ, the Way, Truth and Life, through the prayers of His Holy Mother and all the Saints, the Honourable President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, all civil authorities and those who serve in the military.

We remind them that the sacred trust of governing and safeguarding, which they exercise, is from God – the Giver of every good and perfect gift – and is to be exercised so that all the inhabitants of Ukraine might lead a calm and peaceful life in all Godliness and sanctity under the tranquil guidance of those who govern – for which we pray at every Divine Liturgy.

May God-loving and God-protected Ukraine, continue to develop under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

May she ever be that bastion of Faith and Righteousness envisioned by those sainted Fathers and Mothers — many of them martyrs — who journeyed with St. Olha and St. Volodymyr on that path which leads to Christ and the fullness of life.

May she be a land of justice based on a sound and honest legal system.

May she be a home from which her citizens no longer feel the need to flee.

May she be a beacon of light to all the developing nations of the world.

For our God-loving and God-protected Ukraine, her government, armed forces and all her people, we pray to the Lord.

With prayers and hierarchical blessings,

† YURIJ, Metropolitan

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

† ANTONY, Metropolitan

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
Locum Tenens of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora

† IOAN, Archbishop

Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora

† JEREMIAH, Archbishop

Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Brazil and South America

† ILARION, Bishop

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

† ANDRIY, Bishop

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

† DANIEL, Bishop

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

Східна Єпархія УПЦК: Родинне Святкування – Божественна Літургія | чин Хіротонія на пресвітера | чин Мале освячення води – 14-го червня, 2015

Каплиця Всіх Святих землі української — Оквілл, Онтаріо, 14-го червня, 2015.

Фоттографії: Святослав Глуханюк


uocceast_SCRIPTURE_Christ_BishopsУвійдім же в мешкання Його, поклонімось підніжкові ніг Його. Встань же Господи, йди до Свого відпочинку, Ти й ковчег сили Твоєї. Священики Твої хай зодягнуться в правду, і будуть співати Твої богобійні.

“Поживу його щедро благословлю, і хлібом убогих його нагодую. Священиків його зодягну у спасіння, а його богобійні співатимуть радісно.”

[ Псалом 131: 7-9; 15-16 ]

UOCC Eastern Eparchy Family Celebration: The Divine Liturgy with the Office at the Ordination of a Presbyter and the Order of the Lesser Sanctification of Water — June 14, 2015

Chapel of All Saints of Ukrainian Lands, Oakville, Ontario — June 14, 2015.

Photographs by Jerry Hluchaniuk.


uocceast_SCRIPTURE_Christ_BishopsLet us enter into His tabernacles; Let us worship at the place where His feet stood. Arise, O Lord, into Your rest, You and the ark of Your holiness; Your priests shall clothe themselves in righteousness; Your saints shall greatly rejoice.

“Blessing, I shall bless her provision; I shall satisfy her poor with bread; And I shall clothe her priests with salvation, And her saints shall rejoice exceedingly with great joy.”

[ Psalm 131: 7-9; 15-16 ]

$5.00 Perogy Lunch: Wednesday, July 1st, 2015, St. George’s UOC, St. Catharines ON


Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. George

8 Augusta Ave.
St. Catharines, ON L2M 5R2

Parish Hall: (905) 397-8340


Archpastoral Visitation of His Grace, Andriy, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC to Holy Trinity Parish in London, Ontario


On May 31st, our Orthodox Church celebrated a great feast in the history of humankind — the Feast of the Holy Trinity. On this same day, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity — the Holy Spirit — opened itself to man. On the fiftieth day after Christ’s Resurrection, at the Saviour’s instructions, all the Apostles, the Theotokos and other disciples of Christ gathered in Jerusalem. Suddenly came a rushing sound from heaven, resembling that of a storm, filling the whole building. The Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire. When the Apostles emerged from the upper room, people who had come to Jerusalem for the feast, heard each their own language from the lips of the Apostles. The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles was the beginning of preaching the Gospel of Christ through all the nations of the earth. That is why the Feast of the Holy Spirit is often accepted as the birth of Christ’s Church on earth.
It was on this same festal day that His Grace, Andriy — Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, made an Archpastoral visitation to Holy Trinity parish in London, Ontario. Head of the parish council, Mrs. Vera Olynyk, together with the congregation joyfully greeted the ruling Bishop with bread, salt, and also with warm words of greeting. Parish Priest, Very Rev. Archpriest Vasyl’ Fediv welcomed Bishop Andriy into the temple. Bishop Andriy thanked him for the greetings and said that it was with profound joy that he arrived in our parish on the parish’s feast day.

The Holy Divine Liturgy was led by Bishop Andriy. At the Liturgy — the parish choir, under the direction of Mrs. Oksana Metulynsky, sang uplifting hymns with extraordinary and prayerful enthusiasm; the Apostol was read in Ukrainian by Professor Viktor Venhrzhanovsky and in English by Michael Drul. Near the end of the service, His Grace Bishop Andriy turned to the faithful with an archpastoral homily on the Acts of Grace of the Holy Spirit. Also on this day, a number of parishioners were honoured to accept Holy Communion. The Divine Liturgy ended as according to the ustav — with the Mnohaya Lita.

After Liturgy, a communal lunch, with everything prepared through the efforts of our sincere parishioners, was held in the church hall. Bishop Andriy warmly and movingly greeted all present with the feast of the temple and the Feast of the Holy Spirit. During the celebratory lunch, greetings were presented His Grace by the following:

• President of Holy Trinity Parish, Mrs. Vera Olynyk,
• Parish Vice-President, Mr. Ivan Danylchenko,
• President of the London Branch, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Mrs. Daria Hrytskiv,
• President of “Golden Years” Mrs. Vera Choma…
…and others.

Also on this great and joyous day, Holy Trinity Parish greeted its long-serving members with beautiful song. The Divine Liturgy served by Bishop Andriy truly became a spiritual celebration for all those fortunate enough to pray this day in Holy Trinity church in London. The joy and uplifted spirits at this meeting with the Bishop of the Eparchy will remain in the memories of parishioners for a time to come. We express our sincere gratitude to Bishop Andriy for his visitation to our parish, his prayer and archpastoral blessings.

— Very Rev. Archpriest Vasyl’ Fediv, Parish Priest, Holy Trinity, London ON

Архіпастирський Візит Преосвященнішого Андрія Єпископа Cхідньої Єпархії УПЦК на парафію “Пресвятої Тройці” Лондон ОН.


31-го травня наша Православна Церква відзначала велике свято в історії людства — день Пресвятої Тройці. Саме в цей день відкрилася людству третя Особа Святої Тройці — Дух Святий. В П’ятидесятий день після Христового Воскресіння за вказівкою Спасителя в Єрусалимі зібралися всі апостоли, Богородиця і інші учні Христа. Раптом пролунав звук з небес, подібний до бурі, заповнюючи весь будинок. Дух Святий зійшов на апостолів у вигляді вогненних язиків. Коли апостоли вийшли із світлиці люди, що прийшли на свято в Єрусалим, почули з уст апостолів свої рідні мови. Зішестя Святого Духа на апостолів стало початком проповіді Євангелія Христового усім народам світу. Тому день Пресвятої Тройці прийнято називати днем народження Церкви Христової на землі.
Саме в цей святковий день Преосвященніший Андрій — Єпископ Східньої Єпархії УПЦ в Канаді з архипастирським візитом відвідав парафію “Пресвятої Тройці” м.Лондон ОН. Голова управи п.Віра Олійник разом із громадою радісно зустріли правлячого архиєрея із хлібом і сіллю, а також з вітальними словами. У святому храмі Єпископа Андрія привітав настоятель храму о.прот.Василь Федів. Владика Андрій подякував за привітання і сказав, що з глибокою радістю прибув до нашої парафії на храмове свято.

Святу Божественну Літургію очолив Єпископ Андрій. Під час Літургії з надзвичайним церковним піднесенням чудово виконував церковні піснеспіви парафіяльний хор під керівництвом п. Оксани Метулинської, апостола читали в українській мові професор Віктор Венгржановський; в англійській Михайло Друль. На закінчення Богослуження Преосвященніший Bладика Андрій звернувся до вірян з архипастирською проповіддю про дію благодаті Святого Духа. А також цього недільного дня декілька парафіян сподобилися прийняти Святе причастя. Свята Літургія закінчилася уставним многоліттям.

По завершенні богослуження в церковній залі відбувся спільний святковий обід, все було приготовлено стараннями наших щирих парафіян. Єпископ Андрій тепло і зворушливо привітав усіх присутніх із престольним святом і днем Пресвятої Тройці. Під час святкового обіду свої привітання Його Преосвященству склали:

• Голова Громади Пресвятої Тройці п.Віра Олійник,
• заступник Голови Громади п.Іван Данильченко,
• Голова Конгресу Українців Канади в Лондоні п.Дарія Грицьків,
• Голова Золотого Віку п.Віра Хома…
…і інші.

Саме в цей величний і радісний день Громада Пресвятої Тройці чудовими піснеспівами вітала довголітніх членів нашої парафії. Богослужіння Єпископа Андрія стало справжнім духовним святом для всіх, кому пощастило того дня молитися у храмі “Пресвятої Тройці” м.Лондон. Радість і духовне піднесення від зустрічі з Єпархіальним архиєреєм залишиться в памяті парафіян на довгий час. Складаємо щиру подяку Єпископу Андрію за відвідини нашої парафії, за молитву і архиєрейське благословіння.

— настоятель парафій “Пресвятої Тройці” м.Лондон ОН о.прот.Василь Федів.

Чин Хіротонії на пресвітера

Axios! Axios! Axios!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Office at the Ordination of a Presbyter — a brief, yet vital rite in the life of the Church which will be celebrated together with the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ at the Liturgy this Sunday. As with all Orthodox services, it is liturgy — literally, “the work of the people” — a rite in which the whole Church is called to active participation, so that with one voice, one heart we may declare of one who has answered the call to serve in God’s own vineyard: “Axios! Axios! Axios!” — “He is worthy!”


Eastern Eparchy Eparchial Family Celebrations: Sunday, June 14th

Eastern Eparchy Eparchial Family Celebrations: Sunday, June 14th

On the occasion of the Eparchial Celebration and Feast-day of All Saints of Ukrainian Lands, His Grace, Bishop Andriy invites you to the solemn anniversary celebrations of:

  • the 1000th year of the repose of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Kyivan Prince Volodymyr — Baptizer of Rus’-Ukraine
  • and the 1000th year of the martyrs’ death and 900th year of the Translation of the relics of the Holy Princes, Borys and Hlib.


Celebration programme:

  • 9:30 am – Greeting His Grace, Bishop Andriy
  • 10:00 am – Archpastoral Divine Liturgy including the Ordination of Deacon Lubomyr Hluchaniuk into the Priesthood
  • 12:00 pm – Lesser Blessing of Water
  • 12:30 pm – Lunch/Picnic (bring your own lunch or purchase a Lenten meal from the kitchen)
  • 1:30 pm – Afternoon program — discussion of trip to Ecumenical Patriarch and Ukraine
  • 3:00 pm – Moleben to All Saints of Ukrainian Lands for peace, ending the war and God’s blessings upon our Motherland, Ukraine

St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre – free admission

1280 Dundas St. W
Oakville, ON
L6M 4H9

For more information, please contact:


Єпархіяльне Родинне Святкування Східної Єпархії: неділя, 14го червня

Єпархіяльне Родинне Святкування Східної Єпархії: неділя, 14-го червня

З нагоди Єпархіяльного Свята і Храмового Празника Всіх Святих Землі Української, Преосвященний Єпископ Андрій запрошує Вас на урочисті святкування ювілеїв:

  • 1000-ліття з дня упокоєння Святого Рівноапостольного Князя Київського Володимира – Хрестителя Руси-України
  • та 1000-ліття мученицької кончини і 900-ліття перенесення мощей Святих князів Бориса і Гліба.


    Програма святкувань:

  • 9:30 ранку – зустріч Єпископа Андрія
  • 10:00 ранку – Архиєрейська св. Літургія і хіротонія диякона Любомира Глуханюка в ієрея
  • 12:00 по обіді – Мале Освячення Води
  • 12:30 по обіді – Обід/Пікнік (кожний привозить свій обід, а також буде продаж пісної їжі з кухні)
  • 1:30 по обіді – Пообідна Програма – дискусія про подорож до Всел. Патріярха та України
  • 3:00 по обіді – Молебень до Всіх Святих Землі Української за мир, припинення війни і Боже благословення для нашої Матері, України

Осередок Культури св. Володимира – добровільний вступ

1280 Dundas St. W
Oakville, ON
L6M 4H9

Для додаткової інформації, зв’яжіться з:


Lenten Spring: Youth Retreat

The poster boldly proclaimed Lenten Spring. Thirty-six of our children and youth from seven parishes in the Eastern Eparchy came together to pause from the outside world and to gain insight and reflect on Great Lent, our preparation to celebrating the Resurrectional Feast Day, Pascha!


Activities varied with hands-on, singing, interactional and formal presentations. Hands-on experiences included Paska Baking with volunteers from UWAC and Candle-dipping with Alex Tury. Learning to sing a new Ukrainian “Христос Воскрес” was led by Oksana Klinovska.


“Questions and Answers” sessions were hosted by Fr. Bohdan Hladio and Dr. Peter Kondra. Reader Franko Diakowsky presented a fascinating, fact-filled talk on Fasting, Prayer, Confession, the Triodion and much more, giving new information to the participants.


Vespers was served at 5 pm by Fr. Bohdan. The responses were led by Sandy Takacs, Reader Geza Takacs and Reader Mark Schaefer.


A delicious supper was lovingly prepared by UWAC members for all the participants and parents.


The social activities in the evening were skating and paintball. It was a beautiful, thought-provoking but fun-filled time.

  • A special thank you to St. Demetrius parish for use of their facilities.
  • Photographs by Ron Demeda and Bob Rutkay.
  • Poster design by Franko Diakowsky.
  • And a big thank you to UWAC volunteers: from Knyahynia Olha branch – Anne Moskaluk and from Sophia Rusova branch – Nadia Chuda, Hazel Dotchison, Olga Kuch, Darcy Moskaluk-Rutkay, Helen Spendick, Ludmila Spivak.

The retreat was organized by the Youth Committee and Youth Chaplain of the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC.

Submitted by Natalka Olynyk Kowalenko